I heart John and Sherry Petersik, and their blog Young House Love, and their dog Burger, and their munchkin Clara, and their forty million projects, and their amazingly positive attitudes, and their utter, endearing dorkitude. So when $herdog announced her Dude, Get On That Already personal challenge, it didn’t take much convincing me that it was a Really Good Idea.
I have clutter. Junk. Useful Things I Am Totally Going to Use/Craft/Fix/Finish/Do et cetra. And I’m totally gonna. Someday. My excuse is how limited my project time is, but now that Chappy is 10 months old, and sleeps through the night (usually) and sometimes even naps (twice counts as sometimes, right?), I have more options to make time. Pixie no longer naps, so I don’t get time without kids until 8:30 at night, but she’s also fairly independent. She can play while I do dishes or fold laundry, so I just need to find a little more time to add in Stuff. Uh, when I’m not taking them to doctor’s appointments or doing speech or physical therapy appointments (which are at our house, thankfully!) , or cooking, or cleaning, or running errands, or paying the bills, or…
Anyway, before I talk myself out of it by deciding that, holy shiznit, I’m busy, I want to set a goal of catching up on projects even if it’s only ten minutes a day. Ten minutes is more than zero. So I will do this. I may not complete one cool project a week like the P’s, and some of my projects will be boring stuff like “finally clean out and organize that kitchen cabinet you can’t open without dropping whisks and food processors and a rice cooker on the floor” and some will be more fun like finishing a sewing project.
Oh, yes! I will sew again. I think I still have some material for more newborn swaddle blankets.
From before Pixie was born.
It’s okay. I got enough yardage in each fabric to make 40″ x 40″ square blankets, which is totally big enough for toddler blankets. Ooo, or capes!
Would cotton knit capes be weird, or maybe just the trappings of delightfully kitschy little super heros?
I vote for capes! Our girls have taken to wearing capes in the loosest sense: they put a blanket over their heads and run around giggling until they run into something. Capes would be kinda like that, with 20% less head injury potential and only 17% less fun.
Ah, but capes have a potential strangulation hazard, which in my parenting experience gives a +23 to Fun Times!
[…] list and buckling down. You can consider this to be a sort of companion post to my YHL-inspired Dude, Get On That Already! post. I love projects, and I love completing them, so I should find a way to make time for that. […]