If you haven’t watched any My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (the “new” MLP series), then you are seriously missing out. Normally, I am not into ponies, or horses. I’ve joked that the only ponies I care about are under a hood, but even that is hyperbolic since I love Top Gear, but don’t really care much about cars. Anyway, Creative Director Lauren Faust has made this “little girls show” a straight-up hit. The girls are fleshed out, actuallized characters; the stories are engaging, and the art is awesome. No wonder MLP:FiM has a growing fandom of, well, everybody. Most notably, adult men, called Bronies.
Being made neither of stone nor FAIL, I, too, love those redonkulously adorable ponies, and their silly pony antics. This should work out well for you, dear readers, because it means I’ve started drawing ponies.
And one can never have too many ponies. And pony friends, like Spike the babeh dragon.