So today is National Punctuation Day, and I’m a huge nerd. Given the combination of those two things, I celebrated punctuation today in the only way I really saw fit:
I baked cookies.
Punctuation cookies.

I started with the basic recipe for Sugar Cookie Cut Outs from my Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook, but since I am not a huge fan of the plain, unadulterated sugar cookie, I added some Allspice and a pinch of Pumpkin Pie Spice to the batter. Pumpkin Pie Spice? Now we’re talking.

I used an apple corer, a large circle cutter (to curve the commas) and a knife to shape my stunningly awesome cookies. I made periods (orange), commas (red), semi-colons (purple), colons (yellow and orange non-pariels), exclamation points (pink), question marks (assorted sprinkles), parenthesis/quotation marks/apostophes (plain, pictured below), and a unicorn (the unicorn, pictured below).

Now, you might ask… “Why the unicorn?“

It’s because if there’s one thing the internet has taught me, it’s that not everyone believes in punctuation.