As many of my friends know (much to their repeated annoyance, I’m sure) I’m a huge fan of cloth diapers. Baby H has been in cloth since about two weeks old, and it’s difficult sometimes since she is so, so tiny. Cloth diapers that rave about being OS (one size) and can take your child “from birth to potty training!” are a bit disingenious. I actually get a very mildly irritated facial expression when I read those words now. Apparently, “from birth” means if your child is from 8 – 10 pounds at least, and possibly only then if they are a little bit of a chunky monkey. My skinny little darling just did not fit diapers at the minimum weight estimated by the manufacturers, and she didn’t even reach 10 pounds until after she was two months old.
Anyways, I’ve just learned today that a blog called The First Time Around is hosting a giveaway event dubbed:

The event kicks off tomorrow (6 Sept 2009) in celebration of blogger Cassidy’s beginning adventures in cloth diapering (I hope she loves it as much as I do!). There will be reviews and giveaways (my favorite part), so if you’ve got a little one (or, heck, know someone with a munchkin in cloth diapers or is thinking about trying them), head on over and see if you can win something! I also read a lot of reviews before Baby H was born as I was researching cloth diapering options, so that part of the big event promises to be interesting as well.
Happy diapering!
I can't wait to find if you still love cloth diapers once Baby H starts filling them with the gag-inducing stench that is coming!
Well, if I love them or not won't matter too much. Her skin is so sensitive she actually *can't* wear disposable diapers – not without some major skin irritation anyways. And really, poop doesn't bother me that much. With the horde of animals I've been cleaning up poop for a very long time!