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Yup. Can’t wait.
Down to the last few weeks here, so we’re finally setting up the room with those big boxes nursery. I’ve also started feeling Braxton-Hicks contractions (“practice” contractions), so that’s kind of exciting too. It at least offers a new dimension to the Name That Extra-bodily Sensation game. Is it gas? Fetal hiccups? Kicks? Gymnastics? Contractions? I realized the other night that it’s actually going to be weird to get used to not feeling all of those wiggles, pokes and prods inside all the time.
But also good. Seriously, it gets kind of hard to sleep sometimes. Maybe when she’s waking me up all night outside the uterus, there will be less kicking (I hear swaddling is FTW).
More screaming though. It’s a trade-off.